Many experienced and inexperienced climbers have climbed the Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰). What do you think their behaviors are? frightening(吓死宝宝了),adventurous(冒险) or foolish(作死的节奏)? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. [2015.10.25]
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, technology like Internet distances people farther from each other than before. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. [2014.7.26北美/2015.10.25】
Task 3
【学校通知】:学校计划在after10pm实行quiet night time,就不能有娱乐活动了,包括party,watching TV这些noisy的活动。。理由:1、让宿舍环境更好。2、减少roommate间的dispute。
【名词解释】:outcome dependency(动机依存性):如果说一个人觉得另一个人有用的话,或者说对自己的成功有帮助的话,这个人会对那个人有比较好的印象people will have a better impression on someone who helps them to achieve a goal。
【教授举例】:教授举了一个例子。一个卖office equipment的公司,sales group。他们的奖金bonus跟sales有很大关系。分两组,都看了一段关于a sales person的work experience的video。第一组人是直接看的,看完后,研究者问他们有什么感想?他们啥感想也没,对那个人没印象。第二组人看之前被告知video里的这个人会加入他们的sales team and help them to achieve the goal。于是第二组人看完后,都觉得这个人很qualified and will be an excellent sales person。 [北美2012.3.23/2015.10.25]
Task 5
【学生困难】:女生在图书馆看书,忽然想起要赶去校园另一端的教室做她的presentation。The woman is running for a class presentation,unfortunately there is only 10 min left for her to go to the other bldg。但外面在下大雨it is raining really hard outside。女生没带伞。
【解决方案】:有两个解决方案:男生说出方案1、to borrow the man''''s umbrella,but the man has left his umbrella upstairs,so it will take a while to get the umbrella. 女生等伞可能会迟到be late for her presentation。女生自己说出方案2、to go without any umbrella and get soaked in the rain. 描述女生的困难,男生的两个建议,你的建议及理由。 [2008.3.29北美/2015.10.25]