看懂一张图,这几个物理概念将不再混淆! 测量学 (measurement technique) 这一章可分为数据采集以及数据分析两大块。对于数据采集,要求同学们能够很好地掌握诸如米尺meter rule、量角器protractor、游标卡尺vernier caliper、千分尺micro screw gauge、电流表 ammeter、电压表 voltmeter及示波器 cathode-ray oscilloscope等常用测量工具的正确使用及读法。同时,对于不同的待测物理量,同学们应能够合理且灵活地选取相应的测量工具。例如,如需测量小球外径,则应根据具体精度要求在游标卡尺和千分尺间做出选择。本章的难点在于数据分析,所谓数据分析即对采集的数据进行记录,将实验数据绘入坐标图、确定最佳拟合线(determine line of best fit)以及对实验设计及操作进行相应的误差分析(source of error analysis)等。
本篇将对测量学数据分析里涉及的两对易混淆的概念 (systematic error---random error, precision-accuracy)进行重点讲解。 首先来看第一对概念。 systematic error:constant deviation of reading in one direction from its true value random error: scatter of reading about true value
系统误差与随机误差的区别如下: systematic : constant error (in all readings) cannot be eliminated by averaging error in measuring instrument random: readings scattered (equally) about true value can be eliminated by averaging error due to observer 我们还可以通过图表对这两个概念进行区分
再来看第二对概念 accuracy: degree to which a measurement approach true value precision: degree to which a measurement approach the mean value of several readings
准确度与精确度亦可通过如下标准区分 Accuracy: Good Accuracy is associated with small systematic errors Precision: Good precision is associated with small random errors. 真题解析 W 06 5、 The measurement of a physical quantity may be subject to random errors and to systematic errors. Which statement is correct? A 、Random errors can be reduced by taking the average of several measurements. B 、Random errors are always caused by the person taking the measurement. C 、A systematic error cannot be reduced. D 、A systematic error results in a different reading each time the measurement is taken. 此题为06年冬季paper1的第五小题。题目考查考生对系统误差与随机误差的理解。 B 选项需注意随机误差不总是由测量人员的主观因素造成,还可能为测量方法选择不当,如测量摆动周期(oscillation)时,未使用参考标记(reference marker),导致未能在摆球的同一位置进行读表而使摆动周期产生偏差;系统误差可以通过改进测量仪器等进行减小,但不能完全被消除,C选项错误。根据定义可知,系统误差具有可重复性、单向性等特点, D选项错误。故本题的正确答案为A。 W 07 4 、A series of measurements of the acceleration of free fall g is shown in the table. Which set of results is precise but not accurate?